Section: Software


Participants : René-Paul Debroize, Clément Philipot, Guillaume Pasquier, Olivier Commowick.

Medinria is a national Inria project shared between 4 Inria teams (Asclepios, Athena, Parietal and Visages). It aims at creating an easily extensible platform for the distribution of research algorithms developed at Inria for medical image processing. This project has been funded by the D2T (ADT MedInria-NT) in 2010 and renewed for two years in 2012. The Visages team leads this Inria national project and participates in the development of the common core architecture and features of the software as well as in the development of specific plugins for the team's algorithm. Medinria 2.0.1 has been released in April 2012 for the main distribution platforms. Development of an SDK and of a new verions is underway and should be released in June 2013.

See also the web page http://med.inria.fr

  • Keywords: medical imaging, diffusion imaging, registration, filtering, user-friendly interface

  • Software benefit: user-friendly interface to cutting-edge research tools for research clinicians. Straightforward to add functionalities through plugins.

  • License: core: BSD, plugins: choice of each team.

  • Type of human computer interaction: Qt-based GUI

  • OS/Middelware: Windows, Mac et Linux.

  • Required library or software : Qt, DTK, ITK, VTK.

  • Programming language: C++